Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers


by Feb 10th, 2011 // Decorations, Handmade Gifts, Holiday, Just for Fun, Themes

Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers

Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers

My kid and I have been making homemade valentines for the past three years. We make as many as she can handle and send them out to family and school friends. It’s one of our most favorite traditions. This year, we picked suncatchers. They are so simple, pretty and really fun to make.

Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers

My kid dove right into the bright pile of tissue squares and placed them all over the contact paper.

Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers

A masterpiece in the making.

Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers

My kid wanted to add a little sparkle, so she sprinkled on the glitter.

Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers

We added another piece of contact paper on top, cut out a heart and ta-da, one very sweet homemade valentine.

Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers

Of course, we made one for our own window, too. The colors are so vibrant with the sun shining through. My kid loved seeing the overlapping tissue papers make new colors and couldn’t wait for her Valentine to come home from work and see it.

Now for the directions…

I Heart You Suncatchers

Prep Time: 5 minutes  Hands on Time: 15 minutes

tissue paper cut into squares
contact paper
glitter (optional)
hole puncher (optional)
ribbon (optional)

Cut out some contact paper and cover it with the tissue paper squares. Sprinkle on some glitter if you want some sparkle. (Put a cookie sheet down under the paper to catch the glitter. Dump the glitter filled pan into a bowl and reuse the loose glitter for another suncatcher.). Add another piece of contact paper on top of the tissue paper-filled one. Run your hands over it to smooth out any bubbles. Cut off the rough, sticky edges. Then, cut a heart out. We folded the paper in half and cut out one half of a heart and opened it to reveal a whole, beautiful heart. We punched a hole in ours and attached some red ribbon, perfect for hanging near a window (but clear tape would do the trick, too!)

Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers


3 Comments on “Homemade Valentine Week: I Heart You Suncatchers”

  1. 1.) Liz E.
    February 10th, 2011

    That is such a cute idea. I think it would even be cute if you cut some of the tissue squares into hearts too. So many variations for so many different holidays.

  2. 2.) Erin
    February 16th, 2011

    I absolutely love this idea!

  3. [...] these colorful sun catchers by the window for an extra splash of [...]

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