Very Berry Smoothies


by Dec 25th, 2009 // Drinks

Very Berry Smoothies

Very Berry Smoothies

Smoothies can be very sneaky. I use them to sneak some milk into my kid’s diet. He hates milk so it’s a great way to get him some calcium without a battle. This particular concoction is also rich in anti-oxidants. He likes it so much that he’s prone to “brain freeze” which he talks about throughout the drinking process.

Very Berry Smoothies

Prep Time: 8 mins

8 frozen strawberries
3/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup orange juice
1 cup lowfat milk
1 tablespoon honey
6 to 8 ice cubes

Place strawberries, blueberries, orange juice, milk and honey in blender.  Turn on high and blend until combined. Add ice cubes and continue to blend until smooth. Smoothie should be thick but liquid enough to easily sip through a straw. Pour into tall glasses and serve with straw. Makes 2 smoothies.

Very Berry Smoothies

Berry boost is served!

2 Comments on “Very Berry Smoothies”

  1. [...] drink milk!) If you follow the blog you’ve already seen our Sunshine Smoothie recipe and our Very Berry Smoothie recipe. This Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie recipe is so easy because all you need is a banana and [...]

  2. [...] drink milk!) If you follow the blog you’ve already seen our Sunshine Smoothie recipe and our Very Berry Smoothie recipe. This Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie recipe is so easy because all you need is a banana and [...]

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