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Orange French Toast

We get braided challah bread every Friday afternoon. The challah never stands a chance of making it through Sunday but I beg my kid and husband to, at the very least, use a knife to slice it up. They prefer to rip into it throughout the weekend making it virtually impossible to make anything out of it.

This past weekend was the first one in ages that the challah actually made it to Sunday without being torn into. In honor of it being sliceable, my kid and I whipped up some challah French toast. (The best kind of French toast!)

PS: French toast is the perfect food to teach a 5 year old how to eat a meal with a fork and knife!

Orange French Toast Recipe

Prep Time: 15 mins  Cooking Time: 10 mins

1 cup milk
5 eggs
2 medium navel orange
1 tablespoon maple syrup
8  slices challah bread
maple syrup for serving

In a shallow dish, whisk together milk, eggs, maple syrup and vanilla until light and frothy. Zest the skin of one orange into the mixture and then cut it in half and squeeze the juice of the lemon into the mixture. Whisk again. Lay slices of bread in egg mixture and let sit for 5 to 7 minutes. Flip bread and let sit for another 5 to 7 minutes. It’s best if the bread is a bit stale – it helps soak up the egg. Heat a griddle on high heat until it sizzles when water is thrown on it. Turn the heat down to medium low and grease with cooking spray. Place slices of bread on griddle and brown on each side until crispy. Meanwhile, cut remaining orange into sections and cut the sections in half. Plate the French toast, divide orange sections evenly among the plates and drizzle with maple syrup.

Makes: 4 servings


Article printed from Cooking with My Kid: https://cookingwithmykid.com

URL to article: https://cookingwithmykid.com/breakfast/orange-french-toast/

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