Super Bowl Crafts: Easy Pom Poms
by Feb 3rd, 2011 // Decorations, Just for Fun, Themes
Super Bowl Crafts: Easy Pom Poms
I am a total sucker for art project materials and have a tendency to buy whenever I see something to get my inner art teacher churning. Sadly, my office cabinets are like a neglected refrigerator, some really old stuff is piling up and collecting in the back. In a new found effort to purge my mess and organize, I came across packs of party streamers. I obviously had intentions of using them for something…but what was it?! Enter Super Bowl party preparations. What’s a football themed party without some serious cheering instruments? I wasn’t sure how my kid would feel about this easy Super Bowl Pom Pom craft, but she was all about it, from picking out the colors and helping me cut each piece of streamer to shaking her pom poms!
We picked out two colors to use and cut a total of 24 two-foot-long strip pieces (12 from each colored roll). We began placing one strip down at a time, slighting overlapping the one before,
making a large pinwheel.
Using one hand, we grabbed the middle of the pinwheel
and held up what looked like a little hula skirt. We next folded the top of our hula skirt in half vertically,
grabbed the top of the pom pom and gave it a good squeeze to mold a handle. We got some masking tape, wrapped it around the makeshift handle to keep it secure and even added some pipe cleaners around the tape for a little added team pizazz.
The final thing we did was cut each pom pom streamer in half (my kid’s favorite part). This took only a few extra minutes and really added some pep to that pom. Go team!
Now for the instructions…
Easy Pom Poms
Prep Time: 5 minutes Hands on Time: 25 minutes
party streamers
masking tape
pipe cleaners (optional)
Choose your streamer colors (we used 2 colors) and cut 12 of each color, at least 24 to 30 inches long (eyeballing it is totally fine). You will need about 24 pieces total. Begin placing one piece down in a straight vertical line on a flat surface. Each piece after slightly overlaps the one before, making a large pinwheel fan. Grab the middle of your streamer circle and with one hand, lift it up. It should look like you are holding a little hula skirt. Fold the top of the skirt in half vertically. Now it should start to resemble a pom pom. Time for a handle. Grab that pom pom like you are holding an ice cream cone and give it a squeeze. You are molding your handle. Cut a few pieces of masking tape and wrap it around your makeshift handle to make it more sturdy and secure. If you have any, wrap some pipe cleaners over the masking tape. This is just for decoration and is optional. Now take some scissors and cut each streamer in half to add more bulk to the pom pom. Let the cheering begin!
[...] Easy Pom Poms from Cooking with My Kid [...]